Embed mode

If the embed=1 URL parameter is used, the client runs in embed mode and the page will send a “ready” message to the opener or parent when the page is loaded. This mode is only supported on https://embed.diagrams.net. After receiving the ready message, the diagram data can be sent as XML or compressed XML. It will return XML or an empty string if Apply or Cancel are selected, respectively. The following URL parameters are available in embed mode:

  • spin=1: Shows a Loading… spinner while waiting for the diagram data to load in embed mode.
  • modified=0: Disables the update of the modified state in embed mode after Save is selected and enables the update of the status message after changes are made. If 0 is used, the status bar is cleared after the changes. Otherwise, the value of this is used as the resource key. Instead of using this URL parameter, you can specify this setting in the load message.
  • keepmodified=1: If modified specifies a resource key, this is used to maintain the modified state after Save is selected.
  • libraries=1: Specifies whether libraries should be enabled in embed mode. The default is disabled (0).
  • noSaveBtn=1: Displays a Save and Exit button instead of a Save button. Instead of using this URL parameter, you can specify this setting in the load message. If this is used, then the saveAndExit URL parameter is ignored.
  • saveAndExit=1: Displays an additional Save and Exit button. Instead of using this URL parameter, you can specify this setting in the load message. If noSaveBtn=1 is used, this can be disabled with saveAndExit=0.
  • noExitBtn=1: Hides the Exit button. Instead of using this URL parameter, you can specify this setting in the load message.
    Note: To hide all buttons in embed mode, use saveAndExit=0&noSaveBtn=1&noExitBtn=1.
  • ready=message: Specifies the message to send in embed or client mode. Default is 'ready'. If the JSON protocol is used, then this is ignored.
  • returnbounds=1: Returns a JSON structure with the diagram bounds in embed and client mode. This message is dispatched immediately after receiving the diagram XML.
  • proto=json: Uses JSON for message passing in embed and client mode.
  • configure=1: Sends the configure event and waits for the configure action.


If the configure=1 URL parameter is used, the client sends {event: 'configure'} and waits for {action: 'configure', config: obj} before creating the main application and sending the init event. The obj is specified in the configuration, e.g. config: {defaultFonts: ["Humor Sans"]}.

Description of the JSON protocol

When the client is ready, it sends {event: 'init'} and expects {action: 'load', xml: '...'}. Specify an optional autosave: 1 in this message to enable the autosave feature.

You can set the optional modified flag using the same semantic as the modified URL parameter which is defined above. The optional saveAndExit flag can be specified with the same semantic as the saveAndExit URL parameter which is defined above. The URL parameters have precedence over the flags set in this way.

Specify the optional title string to show a title in the menu bar (on the right).

If autosave is enabled, the editor will send the current XML in an {event: 'autosave'...}.

The XML in the load message is displayed and an {event: 'load'...} is returned with some data about the size of the diagram. The XML in this message can be any supported XML representation of the diagram including SVG or PNG files with embedded XML. The old parameter name to pass PNG+XML xmlpng can still be used.

Alternatively, you can add a descriptor object to the load message that imports specific data formats, e.g. {action: 'load', descriptor: {format: 'csv', data: ...}} where data is the string from the CSV import dialog.

Note: For XML, all supported file formats can be used, including PNG+XML, the data part of an SVG data URI with UTF8 encoding, or the complete SVG or PNG data URI with base64 encoding. For all .vsd* files, a data URI with a data:application/vnd.visio;base64 prefix must be used. Lucidchart and Gliffy files are represented as a JSON string.

When you select Save, the same message as the load event is sent, but with an additional event: 'save' and xml: '...' containing the XML of the diagram. When you select Save and Exit, the message includes an additional exit: true. If you select Exit , an {event: 'exit', modified: boolean} is sent. When you click on a link in the editor interface, the app tries to open the link with the given target (default is _blank) and sends an {event: 'openLink', href: String, target: String} event.

  • {action: 'merge', xml: '...'} can be sent at any time to merge the contents of the given XML into the current file, an {event: 'merge', error: '...', message: ...} with the incoming message and an optional error is returned. If the merge was successful, then the error is null.
  • {action: 'dialog', title: '...', message: '...', button: '...', modified: bool} can be sent at any time to display a dialog in the editor window. To translate the dialog, use titleKey, messageKey and buttonKey instead.
  • {action: 'prompt', title: '...', ok: '...', defaultValue: '...'} can be sent at any time to display a prompt in the editor window. To translate the title, use titleKey and okKey instead. When OK is selected, an {event: 'prompt', value: '...', message: ...} with the incoming message is returned.
  • {action: 'template'} can be sent at any time to show the template dialog. This is normally sent instead of a load message to create an initial diagram. When Create is selected, the diagram is created from the selected template. If Cancel is selected, an exit message is sent. Specify an optional callback: true parameter to pass the current template and filename back to the caller for validation. The message for the callback is {event: 'template', xml: '...', blank: '...', name: ..., message: ...} where blank is true if a blank diagram was selected in the template dialog and message is the incoming message.
  • {action: 'layout', layouts: ...} runs an array of layouts using the same format as Arrange > Layout > Apply.
  • {action: 'draft', xml: '...', name: '...', editKey: '...', discardKey: '...', ignore: bool} can be sent to show a draft dialog. If Edit or Discard is selected, an {event: 'draft', error/result: '...', message: ...} with the incoming message and the result of ‘Edit’ or ‘Discard’ is returned. If there was an error when displaying the dialog, the error is returned instead of the result in the message. If ignore is true, an ignore option is used which returns result: 'ignore'.
  • {action: 'status', message: '...', modified: bool} can be sent at any time to display a message in the status bar. The optional modified flag is used to update the modified state. Instead of a message, you can use messageKey to specify a resource key for the message.
  • {action: 'spinner', message: '...', show: bool, enabled: bool} can be sent at any time to display a spinner with a message or hide the current spinner if show is set to false. Instead of a message, you can use messageKey to specify a resource key for the message.
  • {action: 'export', format: '...'} can be sent at any time to return {event: 'export', format: '...', message: ..., data: '...', xml: '...'} with the incoming message, data and XML used for the given format. Supported formats include html (the former embed format), html2 (the new embed format), svg (default), xmlsvg (SVG with embedded XML), png and xmlpng (PNG with embedded XML). The data parameter in the export event contains a valid data URI for the given export format. Currently, a base64 encoding is used, but this may change in the future.
    • For png and xmlpng, use an additional spin (or spinKey) parameter to enable a spinner and specify a message (or messageKey) while the image is being generated. An optional scale parameter may be used to specify the zoom (default is 1). An optional layerIds parameter can be used to define the array of visible layer IDs. An optional pageId parameter can be used to specify the page to be exported, or else currentPage (boolean) can be used to specify to export the current selected page. For browsers that support client-side image export (all modern browsers), the following additional parameters may be specified: width (px) defines the width of the image to be exported, border (px) defines the border, shadow (boolean) specifies if a shadow filter should be applied to the export, grid (boolean) specifies if a grid should be added, keepTheme (boolean) specifies if the theme should be kept (eg. for dark themes), transparent (boolean) specifies if a transparent background should be used and background (string) specifies the background color.
    • Use the optional xml parameter to specify the XML of the diagram to be exported for all supported formats.
    • Use the optional embedImages: false for the svg and xmlsvg formats to disable embedded images in the SVG output. Additional optional parameters for these two formats are: scale (float) to specify the zoom (default is 1), layerIds to define the array of visible layer IDs, border (px) defines the border, shadow (boolean) specifies if a shadow filter should be applied to the export, keepTheme (boolean) specifies if the theme should be kept (eg. for dark themes) and background (string) specifies the background color.

If any unknown message is received, the system responds with {error: 'unknownMessage', data: ...} where data is the string representation of the incoming message.
